How To Increase Ball Speed In Golf

Shahid Khan

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How to increase ball speed

How can I get my 120-mph swing speed?How to increase ball speed? How can I increase my 10-mph ball speed? If you are looking for these answers than read the complete article to get better understanding.

Ball speed is an important element in various sports and activities, including golf, tennis, baseball, and bowling. Whether you’re striving for more powerful golf drives, faster tennis serves, or increased pitching speed in baseball, improving your ball speed can be a game-changer.

The numbers don’t lie, and in the world of professional golf, Cameron Champ has emerged as a true force at just 25 years old. He is not your typical high golfer; At 6 feet tall and weighing 180 pounds, he is a small figure on the course.

In this complete guide, we’ll discover various strategies and techniques to help you increase your ball speed and elevate your performance. From optimizing your technique to improving your fitness, we’ll cover it all.

More read: How to Increasing Golf Swing Speed

How can I increase driver speed in golf?

To increase driver speed, try and bend your wrist at the top of the swing which will close the clubface. By doing this you can open the hips earlier to square the clubface. Creating a driver swing this way will also help increase the leg, which should translate into a higher swing speed. The driver is played off the tee with a positive attack angle, squatting the ground and using it to explode upward through contact will also improve driver swing speed.

How do I increase my golf swing speed?

To increase your swing speed in golf you need to focus on the flexion of your hips and legs, using the ground to create and stock energy. From the top of the backswing, replace your hips and legs toward your goal, pressing into the ground and down your upper body back. Doing so will cause lag, pushing the club shaft behind the body before bending and catching impact and releasing this stored power.

To achieve this, you can focus on a combination of physical conditioning, technical adjustment, and practice:

Strength and flexibility: Increase your physical fitness with strength training and flexibility exercises. A strong core, legs, and upper body can contribute to more power in your swing. Add exercises like squats, deadlifts, and rotational movements to improve your golf-specific muscles.

Proper Warm-up: Always start your practice or round with a good warm-up routine. Stretching and light exercises can prepare your muscles and joints for powerful movements in your swing.

Technique: Get guidance from a golf professional to evaluate and improve your swing technique. The correct sequence of body movements, a balanced weight shift, and a full rotation can help you create more clubhead speed.

Grip and Stance: Make sure your grip and stance are optimized for maximum power. A neutral grip and a stable stance can enable a more efficient transfer of energy to the ball.

Use the right equipment: Make sure your clubs suit your swing speed and style. A club fitting session can help you find the right shaft flex and clubhead design for your game.

Swing Speed Drills: Practice specific drills designed to increase your swing speed. These may include over-speed training with lighter clubs, resistance band exercises, or focusing on swinging faster during your practice sessions.

Main Rotation: Strengthen your core muscles, as they play an important role in generating power in your golf swing. Exercises like medicine ball throws and Russian twists can help improve the main rotation.

Related Post: Best Golf Clubs

What is a good ball speed in golf?

A good ball speed for the average unprofessional golfer, with a driver, is about 140 mph, which will put you above average. The average male golfer reaches a ball speed of about 132 mph, which is far less than the pros who can grasp numbers over 170 mph. While ball speed is an important factor to display if you want to hit it far, swing speed and smash factor are equally important.

A good ball speed in golf can vary based on many factors, including the golfer’s skill level, age, and the specific club they are using. However, as general advice, for male golfers with an average swing speed, reaching a ball speed of 150-160 mph with the driver is considered solid. For women golfers with slightly slower swing speeds, a ball speed of 130-140 mph is considered good.

It is important to note that professional golfers often have ball speeds above 160 mph, with some exceeding 180 mph with their driver. These elite golfers are capable of signaling strange distances off the tee, which is an important advantage in the game of golf.

Ultimately, what constitutes good ball speed depends on your individual goals and desires as a golfer. Improving ball speed can lead to longer drives and potentially lower scores, but balancing distance with accuracy and consistency is essential to a good golf game.

What is the best way to increase ball speed in golf?

To increase the speed of the ball, it is very important to turn the whole body to produce power by connecting the higher body, hips, and legs. From this position, you must clear your hips, ration the club stays behind you, and then issue over impact. Finally, make sure your swing preserves a wide arc, as this will help you increase lag and attack the ball from a lower, more powerful angle.

Increasing ball speed in golf is all about maximizing the efficiency of your swing:

Correct Setup:

Start with proper stance, grip, and posture to establish a solid foundation for your swing.

Swing Mechanics:

 Focus on a smooth, fluid swing that engages your entire body, not just your arms.

Clubhead Speed:

 Work on generating clubhead speed by rotating your hips and shoulders through impact.

Impact Point:

Hit the ball consistently in the center of the clubface to transfer maximum energy to the ball.

Why is my ball speed so slow in golf?

If your ball speed is slow, it likely comes down to one of two things: slow clubhead speed or poor energy retaining when you hit the ball. If you swing slowly and fail to use the rotation of your body to create power, you will have less energy, and with it, less energy to deliver to the ball. Additionally, if you have great club speed but don’t hand over most of it to the ball, you may see lower ball speed numbers.

Related Post: How To Improve Golf Swing 


I’ve played in dozens of Pro-Ams in my career and a common blunder I see amateurs make is that they forget about their lower body. They will make a big turn with their upper body but keep their lower body still. I like to turn the whole body. I know that not all golfers can be as supple as I am, but even the most flexible players can take some turns. Use your hips, legs, and shoulders. Before starting your downswing, make a full try, or as much as possible.

Many professional golfers can achieve clubhead speeds of 120 mph. If you put in enough time and effort, you might be able to increase ball speed to that number on your own, and then you’ll be hitting the ball much farther.


Q1: In what sports can I increase ball speed?

A1: You can work on increasing ball speed in a change of sports including tennis, baseball, golf, soccer, cricket, and mo, re. Methods may differ slightly depending on the sport.

Q2: How important is a technique to increase ball speed?

A2: Technique is important. Proper form and mechanics are the foundation for making power and speed. Work on improving your technique done coaching and practice.

Q3: Can strength training help increase ball speed?

A3: Yes, strength training is important. Building muscle strength, especially in your essentials and legs, can contribute meaningfully to increased power and ball speed.

Q4: Are there any specific exercises to improve ball speed?

A4: Yes, exercises like squats, deadlifts, plyometrics, and medicine ball drills can increase your strength and power, which increases ball speed.

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